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Institute of Organic Chemistry III Macromolecular Chemistry

KuehneLab and  Ziener Group at The Institute of Organic Chemistry III are hosted by Ulm University. We focus on macromolecular science with an emphasis on the synthesis of functional materials. This ranges from supramolecular entities of small molecules to bio-oriented and colloidal materials.

We teach macromolecular science on the bachelors and masters levels.


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Open Positions

We always have research projects available for "project works", BSc-, and MSc-theses.

For PhD positions: please inquire with Alexander Kuehne and Ulrich Ziener.

For Postdoc positions: please familiarize yourself with the funding agencies available for postdoc stipends and then contact us. 


We have currently an opening for a motivated and independent position for a Master's project in colloidal science (synthesis of nanoparticles in dye stabilised nanoemulsions (see ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 10, 24310-24319)). For further inquiries, please contact Ulrich Ziener.

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